Thursday, July 26, 2007

Go Green?

I have been on a "Go Green" kick lately. Trying to limit how much water we use, how much electricity, recycling, responsible buying, etc. I'm especially concerned about recycling lately.

But it's a real pain-in-the-butt to try to recycle in Eudora. It's not part of the city trash services, and there is no place to recycle anything in town except for cans. The nearest recycling center is at the Checkers in Lawrence, and they accept cans and clothing, but not plastic or glass. I'm told that the Walmart, on the other side of Lawrence, accepts almost anything, but then I'd be wasting gallons of gas just to haul a few recyclables there. It seems like 1 step forward and 2 steps back.

Somehow I need to find a way to team up with other folks here who want to recycle and maybe together the long drive will be worth it. (Part of me thinks it would be nice if I had a truck to make hauling this stuff easier, but then, trucks are almost all gas-guzzlers....).

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