Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Ron Sider and Prop 8

One of my favorite books on social justice is Ron Sider's "Rich Christians In an Age of Hunger." It is simply one of the best books ever on the Christian call to help the poor.

And so I was really sad to read that Ron Sider is on the wrong side of Prop 8, and signed a bogus NYT ad decrying the “violence and intimidation being directed against the LDS or ‘Mormon’ church” by opponents of Propostion 8, and specifically tying AIDS to homosexuality (even whilst denying making that tie).

I never would have thought to read Ron Sider's name next to William A. Donohue's. Other signers, like Chuck Colson and Roger Scruton I understand (although Chuck Colson has not had kind things to say about the LDS church, so there is a certain hypocrisy there).

Oh well. Moving on....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do not malign Americans' right to hate somebody.

Proposition 8 is liking having the freedom to own a machine gun. You have to be able to protect yourself from scariness!

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