Friday, December 21, 2007

Pardon for Jena 6

Now, I have to admit that I haven't followed the Jena 6 thing very closely. I was out of town when the news went national and never really followed up.

The story, as I understand it, is that 6 17-yr old black teens ambushed 1 white teen, hit him from behind, knocked him out, and proceeded to kick and beat the shit out of him.

I believe that the 6 were initially tried as adults, which sparked the controversy about race and that's what made it all national news. Comparisons were made with the light treatment of other white teens who hung nooses on trees and were suspended, but never criminally charged.

So fine, some adult convictions were overturned, and I think some have been, and some still are, being retried as juveniles. So far as I know, only one person has actually served jail time.

But here is what I don't get: the Congressional black caucus is calling for a PARDON for the Jena 6! On the basis that "they and their families have suffered enough." What possible sense does that make? It's fine to say that these teens should not be tried as adults, but it's equally clear that they ganged up, ambushed, and beat another person. That doesn't deserve any punishment at all? Not only that, they should be pardoned?? Makes no sense.

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