Monday, December 17, 2007

Why I like Chris Dodd

The reason I like Chris Dodd isn't because I agree with all his positions. Although I agree with most of them. I like him because he is doing what no other candidate is doing -- he's taking ACTION. He's actually DOING SOMETHING. And that's something that McCain, Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Kucinich aren't doing.

Whether it is blocking a bad FISA bill, filibustering the Telecom Immunity bill, introducing a Carbon Tax to fight pollution, or voting against funding the Iraq War without a time table, he's actually used his position and influence to DO SOMETHING besides making promises. The others won't even stay in D.C. long enough to vote, much less take any action. It is one thing to bitch and whine about the Bush Administration. It is another to actually take action, and Dodd has been the only one doing it. That takes guts. It means not just having a policy position in words, but proving it in action. Nobody else will do it.

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