Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

So, this is the first year that I've participated in Black Friday.

I wasn't impressed. Really. There were some deals to be had, but not nearly as good as I anticipated for getting up at 6am. The best deals were for the most expensive items. $2500 refrigerators were only $1800 for example. But most of the stuff I saw was only 10-15% off. Not the huge discounts I was anticipating. And everything I saw could be gotten online for either the same price, or even a little cheaper. I even came back home once to double-check some online deals. If it weren't for the shipping charge (which a lot of companies were waiving), I wouldn't have bothered to buy anything at all in a real store.

The best deal I got was for a shirt that I bought for a toddler that my small group adopted for Christmas. The $16 shirt was on sale for $6, which is 63% off.

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