Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Dinner

Had Thanksgiving dinner at Dean's mom's house. It was Teri, Ellen, Dean, myself, Tony, Grandpa, and cousin Howard. Howard bought this big turkey table top that took up like half the table!

We had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes stuffed in an orange (that was Howard's contribution), green bean casserole, fruit ambrosia salad, and rolls. I'm probably leaving something out, but that's all I can remember.

For dessert there was pumpkin pie, gooseberry pie (that Elva made), apple dumplings, and chocolate-cherry cake left over from my birthday. I had the apple dumplings. These were the ones made by the church during EudoraFest. Yummy!

Later in the day, we played several games of Scattergories. Teri one one game, Howard won two, and I'm not sure who else won (I know that I didn't win any). We also watched tons of episodes of House because there was a marathon going on.

Now I'm home and too tired and too stuffed to do anything else. I left my book there. I'll have to go by tomorrow to pick it up.

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