Friday, July 18, 2008

Foreign Policy

So, exactly what the hell is going on with our foreign policy?

  • Condi is meeting with the unspeakably evil N. Koreans for the first time?
  • Bush is doing an abrupt 180 about-face with the even more evil Iran, going so far as opening informal diplomatic relations (which he formerly called "appeasement")?
  • The latest intel report says that Iran stopped its nuclear program 3 YEARS ago?
  • Bush wants to increase efforts in Afghanistan (instead of Iraq)?

What the hell??
First, it's all good.
So that makes me suspicious right away.
Second, why did they wait so long?
Third, are they really doing this to shore up McCain's campaign as some suggest? Won't that backfire? Won't that make the American people really focus on domestic policy, for which Obama CLEARLY has the edge?

P.S. Why exactly is Obama running away from debating McCain when McCain can't remember that Czechoslovakia hasn't existed since 1993? Twice?

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