Thursday, July 24, 2008

Obama's Speech

I listened to the last half of Obama's speech during lunch. Brilliant speech, and he's gotten much better at the teleprompter. He clearly knows how to play to large audiences.

The speech itself was wonderful. Critics will say it is dreamy without substance. But the fact is that it is visionary, positive and hopeful in a way that McCain could never, on his most lucid day, pull off. And, of course, he says things that McCain would never say -- besides terrorism, he talked about Darfur, AIDS, global warming, nuclear weapons, poverty and justice in Africa, fair trade, human rights in Burma, freedom of religion, and trust among nations.

P.S. Part of me thinks that it is almost impossible for McCain to win. The bigger part of me realizes that McCain is still polling very well, because half of the voters in the country still live in an alternate universe from the one I occupy.

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