Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Little Things....

Lately I have read a lot of comments like this,

"Do you think God would waste his time caring about xxxxx? Don't you think he has more important things to worry about?"

Do the people who say this really think that God is running out of time?

I think that God cares about the little things. When I told a friend this a few months ago, he said, incredulously, "what, you think God cares about whether I had an egg mcmuffin instead of a fruit plate for breakfast?"

[sigh] When I say that God cares about the little things, I don't mean that God cares in a judgmental way about the little things. God is not looking down from the clouds with a frown ready to pronounce judgment on every action we take (or don't).

But I do think that God cares. God cares that my friend got to have breakfast that morning, and, indeed provided it. God cares that my friend got nourished, got a belly ache or not, that he noticed the taste of the bread, the smell of the orange juice. None of that is a "waste" of time for God. None of it is unworthy of God's care. God has all the time in the world to care about the little things. And God still has plenty of time left over to care about everybody else and hold the whole universe in God's hand. I guess that's why they call him God.

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