Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ocean's 13 & Rain

Last night, Dean and I went to see Ocean's 13 at the AMC Theatre. It was a decent film, but not as good as the 2 previous ones. It was slow in spots, and it didn't have the feeling of suspense that the other 2 had. I never felt, at any time, that Ocean would/could be defeated or get caught. All of the "twists" seem contrived and too easily overcome.

After the movie, we came out and it was raining. It was a soft rain, not a total downpour. Our car was on the other side of the theatre, so we had to walk for quite a ways to get to it. I thought it was great. I love walking in a soft, warm rain. Dean, on the other hand, hated it, because it gets his clothes wet, and he hates having wet clothes. As soon as we got to the car, the rain started coming down a lot harder, and it rained pretty hard most of the way home.

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