Thursday, May 01, 2008

Bill Moyers - Food Shortage & Farm Bill

I have to take Bill Moyers in small doses. It is a wonderful ministry he has, but I couldn't do it. I can't face that much insanity. If I try to watch him every week, my head will explode from an apopletic seizure.

A couple of weeks ago Bill did an excellent show on the food shortage in America and the struggle that American food banks are having keeping food on the shelves. The second half discusses the completely insanity which is the Farm Bill. Which gives rich people who own farm land a quarter million dollars to do nothing, who get subsidies for "disasters" that have no impact on farmers, and in the end waste billions and billions of taxpayer dollars that could really be used effectively to reduce poverty.

Probably the only issue I have ever, or will ever, agree with GW Bush on is curtailing farm subsidies for the wealthy. (But don't agree with GW Bush that we ought to cut food stamps too.)

I tried to embed the video, and had it working at one point, but now I don't. So, here is the link to the PBS website:

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