Friday, May 02, 2008


Two veto overrides failed in the Senate yesterday. The first was an override attempt on the coal plant and the second was an anti-abortion bill that would have given the Attorney General access to certain medical records.

The coal plan vote failed by 4 votes, the anti-abortion bill vote by 2.

I was against the coal plant primarily because most of the power was to be sold to Colorado and Texas and most of the business owners were out of state partners. I didn't want Kansas to be the dumping ground for pollutants while getting none of the benefits. If Colorado and Texas want power, they should build the plants in their state (there's plenty of room in rural Texas!).

Personally, I'd like to see more wind power harnessed on the prairie.

I don't really know anything about the anti-abortion bill other than it had something to do with Phill Kline, so pretty much, it probably was a violation of privacy rights, cuz he seems to be pretty much against privacy (except his own).

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