Friday, May 23, 2008

Oil Exec Testify

A couple of days ago, Congress hauled in the Oil Executives AGAIN to testify about high oil prices and what should be done about it.

Why do they keep doing this? Do they expect the oil execs to say, "you know Senator, we've had an epiphany. We realize now that we've been gouging the public for decades, and what you really ought to do is eliminate our subsidies, institute a windfall tax, and re-institute all those regulations that you've let lapse."

Well, they didn't. No surprise. They asked Congress to extend their subsidies and to allow them to drill in Alaska and destroy precious sea life by drilling offshore too. No surprise there either. Dazzle them with bullshit, right?

This weekend Dean and I are doing what fewer families are doing this year than last year--driving for a Memorial Day weekend getaway in Omaha. We're not going far (thank goodness). But, if the weather holds up, I think it will be a good time.

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