Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Souljourner's Day 1

Yesterday was the first full day of my second Souljourner's residency. The day began at 6:30am with morning prayer in the monastery chapel. After breakfast, we listened to a lecture on three images of spiritual direction: hospitality, teaching and midwifery. After that, we got into small groups and practiced. Just before lunch we had midday prayer, which was a body-oriented meditation/blessing led by a woman from India who does justice work for women in India. After lunch, we had a brief sabbath time followed by a lecture from another person on energy medicine (most of which I am skeptical about...but I'm practical too--if it works, do it!).

Just before dinner we prayed vespers at the monastery chapel, then had a large group session in which we shared stories about our favorite saint (which may have been a real saint, or just someone you really admired). Many of the participants chose their grandmothers. That would have been hard for me! I never met my grandmother on my dad's side, and my grandmother on my mother's side doesn't speak English, so we have never really gotten to know each other. Anyway, I chose Sts. Brennan Manning and Henri Nouwen for their work on the Beloved and the false/true self.

After that, we had a brief social, and went off to bed early. I was exhausted and was in bed and asleep by 9:45.

More tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like your choice of Saints. When Manning spoke at the Lookout Retreat, I cried through almost the entire thing. Abba