Monday, November 12, 2007

I get notes...

Anne McCarthyA NOTE OF THANKS: I returned from serving my five day prison sentence for protesting the war in Iraq and found many notes of support and donations from you. I am so touched by your acts of kindness.

The five days in prison were powerful in so many ways. I'm just beginning to write and reflect. But I have new models of hospitality—the women in prison who welcomed us, encouraged us, helped us through the intricate maze of rules—and I thought the organization of a monastery was intricate—and gave us from their small supply of coffee and snacks. Their kindness was overwhelming. So was the starkness of the place, the tragedy of many of their stories, the suffering of their separation from their children. Hard, tough, reality. Also, the noise, the lights, the surveillance camera—we had one in our cell, no privacy and only the dignity that the women offer each other. It all connects really with the violence we're exporting to Iraq.

I came out with a book wish list for Benetvision's Fund for Prisoners. The "library" for the women is dismal. When I mentioned that I was part of Benetvision, a few women immediately said, "Oh, Sister Joan, we get her Monastic Way." They want more books. Prayer books, like 25 Windows Into the Soul, Between Two Souls, 2008 Song of the Earth Calendars to help them track the days, Journals. They have so little—have to buy paper with money they might get from those outside. I am more convinced than ever of the need for the Fund for Prisoners. Thank you for your strong message of support. I am so grateful. (Read Anne's statement regarding her arrest and sentencing.)

Peace, Salaam, Shalom,
Sister Anne McCarthy, OSB

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