Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Giuliani says that "Now, intensive questioning works. If I didn't use intensive questioning, there would be a lot of mafia guys running around New York right now and crime would be a lot higher in New York than it is. Intensive question has to be used. Torture should not be used. The line between the two is a difficult one."

General Russell Honore said, "As long as we're responsible for hunting those SOBs down, finding them and preventing them from killing our sons and daughters," Honore said, "I think we've got an obligation to do what the hell we've got to do to make sure we get the mission done."

The latest poll shows that 70% of Americans think that waterboarding is torture. Sadly, 40% of Americans say it's okay to use it.

We are not a country of peace. We are a country of power. The ends justify the means. It doesn't matter what we have to do to get what we want. Torture works--as if whether it works or not is the defining criteria of whether to use it or not. All of a sudden, we are country that is strangely similar to the Cambodian Khmer Rouge. Cripes.

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad." -- Aldous Huxley

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