Saturday, March 08, 2008

Bush vetoes bill banning waterboarding

It is moments like this that make me ashamed to be an American. Bush is not even pretending to not torture. His reasoning contradicts the conclusions of his own administration which said that it "yields unreliable results." Even if it DID yield results would not make it acceptable. Torture is NEVER okay. I don't see why moral, upright, Christian conservatives (or anybody else) doesn't understand that. I am stunned, flabbergasted.

This is so intolerable that I can hardly see straight. That American citizens DO tolerate it (because they are not avalanching their Representatives to override the veto or recalling them out of office or rising up in massive protests), that our representatives are kowtowing to Bush, that our Churches (of all faiths) remain very nearly silent is all loathsomely shameful.
President Bush said Saturday he vetoed legislation that would ban the CIA from using harsh interrogation methods such as waterboarding to break suspected terrorists because it would end practices that have prevented attacks.

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