Saturday, September 29, 2007

Friday Night Frights

Friday night Dean and I went to see the new Resident Evil: Extinction movie. It was quite good. Not too scary (Dean loves scary movies, but I'm a wimp). The idea of the movie is that a corporation's virus gets loose and decimates the world population, turning them into zombies. 5 years later there are only a few survivors, with the corporate bigwigs holed up in massive secure underground cities trying to come up with a semi-cure--one that would tame the zombies, but still allow them to be their slaves. Milla Jovovich plays the main character, Alice, who apparently was genetically mutated clone created by the corporation to be immune to the virus. But she's unhappy with the way she's been manipulated by them, so she's both running away from them, and seeking opportunities for revenge.

The one thing that struck me as funny is how all the characters, especially Jovovich, always had absolutely perfect makeup. It seems to me that in a world where food, gas and water are scarce, it seems rather unlikely that everyone would still have plenty of makeup (and the desire to put it on).

We never saw the first two movies, so Dean is going to add it to our NetFlicks list.

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