Wednesday, September 26, 2007

September Day

Did you manage to get out today? I did, for just a little bit in the afternoon. Wonderfully blue, cool with a nice breeze and still a bit damp from the rains.

Thomas Merton writes about it better than I do:
"Everything that a September day should be--brilliant blue sky, kind sun, cool wind in the pines. But I have to wear white gloves because I cannot go near the woods without getting more poison ivy. I seem to have become extraordinarily sensitive, and if I am within 15 or 20 feet of it, I seem to get more....tiny, delicate fishbones of clouds in the sky. Harps of sound in the sweet trees. Long shadows on the grass. The distant bottomland flat and level and brown, ploughed and harrowed. The hills."
-- Thomas Merton's Journal September 10, 1964

The painting is called, One September Day in Kansas, by Debra Clemente and is on display at the Phoenix Gallery in Topeka.

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