Thursday, September 20, 2007

Values Voters Debate

Remember the "Values Voters Debate" from a couple nights ago run by conservative wingnuts like AFA's Don Wildmon and anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafley? The one that all the big Republican nominees skipped? Well, after the debate they had a straw poll, which included all the Republican nominees. Only 1 candidate got 0 votes. Guess who it was? Yup, Mitt Romney. Hell, even John Cox (who is that?) got more votes.

Here's the lesson: The value that value voters value most is not being Mormon.

And the winner? Mike Huckabee.

P.S. Speaking of Jon Cox, I just found his picture online. If this guy isn't gay, then my gay-dar is broken (note: my gay-dar has been broken for years). And, other than that he's apparently a Chicago accountant, who has failed in every run for office he's ever tried, I still don't know who he is. How much of an anti-Mormon bigot do you have to be to give this guy more votes than Governor Romney?

P.P.S. If this was 2004, can you imagine the big Republican nominees skipping this debate? It would have been impossible. Interesting was 4 years of nuttery can do.

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