Thursday, September 27, 2007

Lieberman-Kyl Amendment

I've been slow in tracking this, but the Lieberman-Kyl Amendment that just passed blows my mind. It is a "Sense of the Senate" amendment that opens a backdoor to start bombing Iran.

It passed by a whopping 76-22 vote. Incredible! Of course Roberts and Brownback voted for it. But astonishingly, so did Clinton! Obama and McCain did not vote. Dodd voted No.

By the way, after having watched a lot of the Democratic posturing this season, I have to say that if I voted today, I would probably vote for Dodd. He is on the right side of nearly every position including Iraq, gay marriage, immigration, health care, etc. He's also the only one really championing the restoration of habeas corpus. In case you missed it, here is Dodd on Iraq:

"Rather than picking up votes, by removing the deadline to get our troops out of Iraq you have lost this Democrat's vote. Despite the fact that this has been the bloodiest summer of the war and report after report says that there has been little to no political progress, the White House continues to argue that their strategy is working. It is clear that half measures are not going to stop this President or end this war. I cannot and will not support any measure that does not have a firm and enforceable deadline to complete the redeployment of combat troops from Iraq. Only then will Congress be able to send a clear message to the President that we are changing course in Iraq, and a message to the Iraqis that they need to get their political house in order."

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