Saturday, September 29, 2007


On Thursday, Dean and I hosted vespers at our home. That day coincided with the Jewish celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles (aka Sukkot), the time when they remember their wandering in the desert, living in tents, eating manna and drinking water miraculously pouring from rocks. By coincidence, Dean and I designed an altar space for our vespersr with the theme "water in the desert," and the accompanying New Testament reading was from Jesus' attendance at the Feast of Tabernacles.

Anyway, we all had a nice time. We had beef stew and cornbread for dinner and Dean made a delicious french apple pie. Marion's back is still hurting her, but she was able to make it and had a good time. Elva is missing her hearing aid. Marcia mentioned her dad's back was hurting him (I think it was her dad). Bertha had injured her leg and was trying to keep it elevated. We're all a bunch of unhealthy wrecks sometimes. Bodies can be so uncooperative.

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