Saturday, October 06, 2007

I Know What Scandal You Committed Last Summer...

How many conservative "Christian" scandals have we had this year? Truly, I've lost count.

Richard Roberts [son of Oral Roberts] is accused of illegal involvement in a local political campaign and lavish spending at donors' expense, including numerous home remodeling projects, use of the university jet for his daughter's senior trip to the Bahamas, and a red Mercedes convertible and a Lexus SUV for his wife, Lindsay.

She is accused of dropping tens of thousands of dollars on clothes, awarding nonacademic scholarships to friends of her children and sending scores of text messages on university-issued cell phones to people described in the lawsuit as "underage males."

P.S. If you're counting, here are the ones I can remember:

Larry Craig
David Vitter
Randy Tobias (AIDS Czar caught in prostitute with Vitter)
Joey DiFatta (New Orleans Rep who dropped from campaign after soliciting in a bathroom twice)
Bob Allen (FL Rep. who solicited in a public bathroom and said he was afraid of angry blacks)
Glen Murphy (Young Republicans guy)
Mark Foley
televangelists Juanita Bryant and Bishop Weeks
P.P.S. It's been pointed out to me that perhaps not all of these would self-identify as conservative Christian. That may be true. In which case these are not Christian conservative hypocrite scandals, just conservative hypocrite scandals.

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