Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A new baby

Meet the newest member of the family! We've tentatively named her Ginger. She's a Sheltie and about 15 weeks old. She's little, about the size of our cat Sinclair. We got her from a sheltie breeder who lives north of Topeka.

So far she's spent most of her time sniffing and finding stuff to chew on. Chewing seems to be her favorite thing. She has the softest fur, and is very friendly.

All the other children in the home are jealous. Chi Chi was very upset when Ginger took her bone last night, but she was brave about it. Kitty seems to care the least, as long as Ginger stays out of her face.

We have the first appointment with the vet this morning, although the breeder has already given her her puppy shots.

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