Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Obama invites Rick Warren to give a prayer

So apparently Obama has invited pop-pastor Rick Warren to offer a prayer during the inaugural. And certain liberal bloggies are going absolutely frothing-at-the-mouth insane about it.

Some mistakenly think that Warren is nothing more than Dobson-lite (I don't think so, but he's certainly still in evangelical-land). Others point out Warren's support of Prop 8 as the reason why he's a completely unacceptable choice to give a freakin prayer.

What I don't understand is why people continue to think that Obama is more liberal than he is (which also goes for his chosen Cabinet too). Obama went on Warren's show--(er, church service), was anti-gay marriage, pro-Prop 8, pro civil unions (as Warren is [sort of-he took it back]), and praised Warren's work. I see Obama as moving in more or less lock-step with his stated positions. But somehow, some folks in the blogosphere are expecting Obama to act like Dennis Kucinich. Time to wake up. No matter who said so, Obama has never been the most liberal senator in Congress.

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