Sunday, August 12, 2007

Baker Wetland & Sunset

I have been wanting to visit the Baker Wetland, so we finally paid a visit this evening just before sunset. Really, it wasn't all that interesting. Other than dragonflies and mosquitoes we didn't see any wildlife at all (we saw more 'wildlife' in the cows in their pastures on the way there).

The fungus was a bright spot in the trip. Dean spotted it. It's strange, fungi are creepy weird things, but they can be really pretty to look at sometimes.

So after we made a quick trip through the boardwalk, we went straight home and I contented myself with a few shots of the sunset from our deck, which was both extraordinary and also completely ordinary for Kansas (I don't know any other state that gets such fantastic sunsets and lightning storms as Kansas).

You can see all the pictures in this entry in full size on my webshots album:

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