Monday, August 13, 2007

Next-Generation Comic Book Scam

Do you remember those advertising scams that you'd see at the back of comic books when you were growing up? They promised see-thru xray glasses and so forth. My favorite was the one that went like this: "Earn money working from home! Send $2 to find out how!" And if you sent the $2, you'd get a pamphlet from them telling you that the way to make money working from home was to make copies of the pamphlet and sell them by putting ads in the comic books like the ones you answered telling people that they could make money working from home.

Well, the modern-day political version of that is this:

GOP PACs used as slush funds

Here's how the scam works:
1) Form a legal PAC with a neat-sounding name like "Preserve America's Future" or "American Family Association" [snark] or "Focus on the Family" [double snark]
2) Create flyers with some important sounding urgent cause that requests immediate donations to fight the evil menace.
3) Rent a small list of people to mail those flyers to
4) When the money comes in, send one small nickel to the [insert cause here], pay off your mailing bills, and (this is the important part!), pay yourself a hefty salary
5) With the leftover money, repeat steps 2-4 with ever increasing mailing lists and ever more alarming situations
6) Here's the best part: You get to include your family members (including 9-year old Bobby) as "consultants" whom you have hired to give you great advice on how to raise even more money for your cause!
7) Here's an even better part: You get to make as many of these PACs as your imagination can manage, and you get to take a salary from each of them. Oh! And, if you put yourself onto the Board of Directors of said PAC, you can get a double salary!

And it's all totally legal. Isn't Capitalism great?!

P.S. If you're smart, you can save mailing costs by doing everything over the Internet! Just as Don Wildmon!

P.P.S. While political PACs that "fight" for lower taxes or better firefighter equipment are great, the best selling ones are the religious ones that promise to fight in God's Army on your behalf against the great Satan of [abortion, homosexuality, sex education, Hindu prayer in Congress, gun control, etc.]

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