Tuesday, January 15, 2008


This was SO FUNNY!!!!! Dean sent it to me, and he got it from Jennifer.

Budapest is the capital of what European country?

This is just funny on so many levels! First, a 3rd-grader knows the answer, and the adult doesn't. But that's not the funny part (cuz anybody could just not know or remember the name of the country). Here are just a few choice quotes:

"This might be a dumb question, but I thought Europe was a country!"

But here's my favorite. This, spoken in a charming southern accent reminiscent of Luann from King of the Hill, is what made me fall on the floor laughing and scare the puppy:

"Buda- Budapest?! I never even HEARD of that! Wait, I know they speak French there...."

Savor that one...she "knows" that a country she's never heard of speaks French. Priceless.

But wait, there's more:

"Wait, let me ask. Is France a country?"

And then this:

Jeff Foxworthy: Let's talk about your options.
Contestant: O-kay.
Jeff: "Kell...over here...focus." (pointing two fingers at his eyes)
Contestant: Wah, ? Alright. I'm listenin', but I'll only hear what I want to.

I peed my pants a little after that one. This one just tops it off:

Jeff: The right answer, is Hungary.
Contestant: Hungry?? That's a country?? I never heard of that! I've heard of Turkey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weds., Dec 19, 2007

Hungary's parliament voted 185-154 (w/9 abstentions) Monday to pass a law allowing same-sex couples to register their civil partnerships. Registered couples will have access to the same rights as married straight couples with respect to inheritance, taxes, and other financial matters, Reuters reported. They will not, however, be allowed to adopt children.

While none of the former communist states allow same-sex marriage, the Czech Republic and Slovenia allow same-sex partnerships to be registered.

The law is slated to take effect in January 2009. (The Advocate)

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