Sunday, January 06, 2008

Bush still defies the Constitution

Sen. Reid kept the Senate open in pro forma sessions so that Bush couldn't create recess appointments behind their back.

But that hasn't stopped Bush. The head of mine safety was appointed by Bush in a recess last year, and that appointment has now lapsed. But 3 days after the end of his recess appointment, Bush has re-hired him as "acting" head of mine safety, not requiring senate approval at all.

By this logic, I guess that means that Bush can have an "acting" secretary of defense or "acting" secretary of state, or any cabinet position without senate approval for the remainder of his term. Sadly, we know that there isn't a damn thing anybody will do about it (because the only thing that CAN be done about it is impeachment, and the Republicans aren't honest enough to go there).

This is the same guy, by the way, that the Senate has rejected 3 times in Bush nominations, because he is an industry hack, who may well be responsible for many of the mine safety accidents we've had over the last year.

P.S. Reid tried to cut a deal with Bush that would have allowed him to appoint dozens of positions during the holiday recess, as long as he didn't agree to appoint Steven Bradbury to a permanent position at the Office of Legal Counsel at the Justice Dept. Bush told Reid to take a hike, and the deal was off.

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