Friday, January 04, 2008

Media "Spin"

I expect pundits to spin the news--to frame reality according to their script.

Like last night when Chris Matthews kept saying that 2/3 of Iowa voted "against" Clinton (duh! 2/3 of Iowa voted against Obama and 2/3 of Iowa voted against Edwards, that's how a 3-way race works, idiot).

But I expect better from NPR.

Any normal person would conclude that Obama did great, that Edwards should be thrilled to come in 2nd given how far he's been trailing in the polls and money, and that Clinton should be concerned. But here's how NPR put it:

Obama barely eaked out a win, and not enough to take him to NH. Edwards can't be happy because he's been campaigning "for 4 years," and doesn't have any money to show for it, and Clinton is doing great because she has name recognition and tons of cash to take to NH.

In other words, the exact opposite of reality.

P.S. And sadly, Dodd has now closed his campaign, so I won't get a chance to vote for him. I'm still favoring Edwards as my second, but I have no illusions about Edwards' chances.

P.P.S. This year, Democrats turned out with a 400% increase in Iowa than 2000. I hope that's a sign that Dems and Independents are finally going to make SURE that there isn't another Republican in the White House.

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