Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Clinton/Obama on the Issues

Eventually I'll get to blogging about the cruise. Really. In the meantime, what seems to be lingering in the news right now is a tiff between Clinton and Obama over Clinton's health care policy.

Now I have no doubt that this is mostly false umbrage (how dare he say...how dare she say...that's just totally out of line...is not!..is too!).

But what interests me about this round is that, instead of being a character assassination (Clinton is an unemotional-emotional, overbearing weak woman and Obama is a secret muslim terrorist not-black-enough thin-lipped African black guy who wears a turban when you're not looking), this particular piece is actually about an ISSUE!

What I don't know, is who is being more accurate. None of the CNN stories I've read have talked about the accuracy of Obama's statements. So I don't know if he's being truthful, exploiting a momentary slip of tongue, or just outright lying. I don't know if Clinton is being truthful or denying her own policy when it's inconvenient.

Rather, CNN, and most of the news outlets I read, are focusing on capturing the reaction and counter-reaction of the two: i.e., voyeurism instead of journalism. It's really very irritating.

UPDATE: This article is actually much more helpful than CNN is on this.

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