Saturday, February 09, 2008

Senator Set to Intensify Investigation

Not one of the televangelists have complied with Grassley's request for financial documents. Indeed they are digging in their heels. It is sad that an investigation into fraud might hurt the "values voters" in the upcoming election. How utterly two-faced. How demoralizing.

One wonders if Jesus had this kind of thing in mind when he overturned the tables of the moneychangers or when he talked about living in the darkness.

From Tampa Bay Online:

TAMPA - U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley is increasing pressure on five large ministries that have refused to respond to his financial inquiry even as political watchers say the investigation could hurt Republicans in the upcoming election.

Responding From The Pulpit

In December, Randy White, pastor of Without Walls, took a defiant stand, telling his congregation that the senator's questions were an assault on their faith.

Kenneth Copeland has declared a holy war. He has said he will never release the information and that he gave Grassley "a lesson in no...." "You can go get a subpoena, and I won't give it to you," Copeland reportedly says. "It's not yours, it's God's and you're not going to get it and that's something I'll go to prison over. So, just get over it. ... And if there's a death penalty that applies, well, just go for it."

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