Friday, February 29, 2008

Myth 1 - Immigrants Take American Jobs

  1. Two Fallacies
    1. There are no "American " jobs. Nearly all industries are global now. Impacts to American Jobs are based on global economic shifts, not immigration.
    2. Immigrants don't reduce the number of jobs available.
      1. Number of jobs is not finite--it is elastic with population.
      2. By being here, immigrants create new jobs simply by living and consuming resources
      3. Immigration has shown to have no influence on the historical unemployment rate
      4. Changes to the number of available jobs that immigrants perform are due to global factors unrelated to the number of immigrants because those industries are global, not local.
  1. Exploitation
    1. Businesses will exploit people to keep wages low.
    2. So businesses move industries out of the country. (Of course, this is not the fault of immigrants).
    3. Government creates programs like Operation Bootstrap that legalized exploitation of workers in other countries like Puerto Rico.

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